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Parish Council Working Groups


Councillor Gill


Councillors Gill & Moffett

New Developments & S106

Councillor Rose

Hardwick Community Centre Working Group

Councillor Rose

Chivers Liaison

Councillor Gill

Play Area Inspections

Councillor Gill

Community Engagements

Councillors Rangadurai, Dabrowski and Armisen

The Village Plan (Community Transport & Healthcare)

Councillors Armisen and Krishnamurthy to assist Mia Casey

Highways and Road Safety /Greater Cambridge Partnership liaison

Councillors Dabrowski & Moffett


Councillor Moffett

Facebook Moderators

Councillors Dabrowski, Phillips & Rangadurai

Pavilion Lease Renewal

Councillors Gill & Phillips

Proposed Defibrilator and Grant Application

Councillor Moffett

Meridian Fields Loan Board Applicaiton Process

Councillors Armisen & Krishnamurthy

The Chairman and Vice-chairman are ex-office on any committees or working groups.

On Yer Bike!

Two electric bikes have been located on the ‘Skate Park’ close to the Sports and Social Club for use by Hardwick residents. To use you will need to download the ‘bizbike’ app and follow the instructions. Alternatively you can follow this link:

Hopefully, if successful more could follow.

Millers Way Update!

Cobb has signed the contract and the works have been programmed for a start date of the 20th Feb.

Contract is set at 4 weeks (end date 20 March 2023) to provide time if needed to complete but understand Cobb would be hopeful to complete in 2 weeks.


Don’t Let Your Hedge Be A Hazard!

How Can A Hedge Be A Hazard

Overgrown hedges next to footpaths and roads pose a real hazard to people who are disabled or who are visually impaired and young children or other pedestrians who risk injury or damage to their faces or clothing from thorns and branches. If the pavement (footway) is narrow or the obstruction is excessive, they may be forced into the road. This is particularly dangerous for wheelchair users or for people pushing a pram or buggy. On junctions and bends overgrown hedges may obstruct sight lines and the clear view of motorists. They may also obscure traffic signs or streetlights, increasing the risk of accidents.

What Should I Do?

Check your own trees and hedges. Are they overhanging the footpath or boundary of your property? Are they affecting visibility of pedestrians? If so, cut them back or arrange for someone to do it for you.

If You Are The Tenant of The Property

So far as the law is concerned the occupier is usually responsible for this sort of maintenance and, in addition, tenancy agreements often nclude routine maintenance. Even if your tenancy agreement states that the landlord is responsible, you would be required to contact him/her and ensure that pruning is carried out as soon as possible.

What Will Happen If I Don’t Cut Back My Hedge

It is an offence under the Highways Act 1980 to allow trees, hedges, shrubs and so on to obstruct the highway. The Council The Highways Act 1980 aims to protect the publicfrom unnecessary hazards and is not subject torestrictions imposed by TPOs. In ConservationArea’s however, it is advisable to seek advice abouttree surgery from the Council’s Tree Officer.will, after an initial informal request, serve a 21 Day Notice on you, the occupier, to cut back the offending vegetation. If you do not comply with the Notice, the Council may carry out the work itself and recover it’s costs in doing so from you, through the courts if necessary.

What Happens if the Tree is Subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO)

The Highways Act 1980 aims to protect the public from unnecessary hazards and is not subject to restrictions imposed by TPOs. In Conservation Area’s however, it is advisable to seek advice about tree surgery from the Council’s Tree Officer.

Millers Way – Update!

Finally, yes finally work is about to commence on Millers Way. Work is scheduleed to start on the 4 Jan 23 with an anticipated completion date of the 27 Jan. The contractors will be writting to the residents affected by this work advising them on access etc.

The engineers for the contractors will also be carrying out inspections on two dates to be notified.

How this will affect those wishing to use the local bus stops near Millers Way is unknown at present.

Some postive news at last!

Forthcoming GPC Public Meeting

GCP have a agreed a second meeting scheduled for the 11th Jan 23 to be held in the Primary School Hall starting a 6.30pm. All residents are welcome to attend and raise any questions regarding the planned changes.

This is going to affect our village future! Please try and attend.

Making Connections 2022 Consultation update

Monday 17 October – midday Friday 23 December

We are in week six of the Making Connections consultation which is open until midday on Friday 23 December and in this email we would like to highlight the events we have lined up and some of the ways we are looking to explain the proposals.

The consultation is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to change how we travel in Greater Cambridge and the wider area, relieving pressure on the network and responding to air quality, cost of living and climate crises for a better, cleaner and safer future. The survey, plus information about the proposals, frequently asked questions, dates of public meetings and ways you can share your thoughts can be found here:


Next week we are out and about talking to people at the following places:

  1. Tuesday 29 November, 5 – 8pm – Town Hall, Market Street, Saffron Walden, CB10 1HZ
  2. Wednesday 30 November, 4 – 7.30pm – The Priory Centre, Priory Lane, St Neots, PE19 2BH

We welcome you to come and talk to us about the proposals or ask any questions of the team to help you to complete the survey.

Interactive Bus Map

To help explain the potential changes, we have created an interactive tool so people can see how their daily journeys would be transformed by more frequent and direct bus services in, out and around the city centre, to villages, workplaces and healthcare sites.

People can click on where they live or where they frequently travel on the interactive map, which is available on our Consult Cambs consultation page, to see how many buses would be available, the cost of a single fare and the time of the first and last bus.

A reminder of the consultation

We want to hear your thoughts on the three parts of the proposal:

  1. Transforming the bus network
    From mid-2023, we are proposing to transform the bus network through new routes, additional services, cheaper fares and longer operating hours.
  2. Investing in other sustainable travel schemes
    Alongside the bus network, we are proposing to invest in new sustainable travel schemes, such as better walking and cycling links.
  3. Creating a Sustainable Travel Zone
    We are proposing the introduction of a Sustainable Travel Zone which includes a road user charge. Vehicles would be charged for driving within the zone between 7am and 7pm on weekdays, and money raised would fund improvements to the bus network and other sustainable travel schemes. The Zone would be fully operational in 2027/28 but only once the first bus improvements are introduced.

Please email us if you have any queries at

Hardwick Parish Council Extra-Ordinary Meeting

I hereby give notice that an extra-ordinary meeting of the Parish Council will be held on

Monday 28th November 2022 7.00 pm in the Cabin

The Public and Press are cordially invited to be present.

Cllr Anthony Gill, Chairman



Open Public Session

1 To receive apologies for absence

2. Declarations of interest

2.1 To receive declarations of interests from Cllrs on items on the agenda and details of any

dispensations held

2.2 To receive written requests for dispensation and grant any as appropriate for items on this


3. Proposal that the Parish Council considers the suggestion from its Architect that it does not

advertise the Community Centre tender opportunity on the Contracts Finder

4. Proposal that the Council considers the appointment of legal and tax advisers for the Community

Centre project(SR)

5. CCC – Transport Strategies 2022 Public consultation- to consider a recommendation from the

Highways and Road Safety Working Group

6. Closure of meeting

All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon

the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out above.

Mrs Gail Stoehr, Clerk


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