Parish Council
Councillor Vacancy on Hardwick Parish Council
The Parish Council will be considering applications at its next meeting on the 30th August 2023. Please ensure your application reaches the Clerk and Chairman ( at least 1 week before the meeting to ensure it is added to the meeting papers.
The application form can be found here
Parish Council Working Groups
Councillor Gill
Councillors Gill & Moffett
New Developments & S106
Councillor Rose
Hardwick Community Centre Working Group
Councillor Rose
Chivers Liaison
Councillor Gill
Play Area Inspections
Councillor Gill
Community Engagements
Councillors Rangadurai, Dabrowski and Armisen
The Village Plan (Community Transport & Healthcare)
Councillors Armisen and Krishnamurthy to assist Mia Casey
Highways and Road Safety /Greater Cambridge Partnership liaison
Councillors Dabrowski & Moffett
Councillor Moffett
Facebook Moderators
Councillors Dabrowski, Phillips & Rangadurai
Pavilion Lease Renewal
Councillors Gill & Phillips
Proposed Defibrilator and Grant Application
Councillor Moffett
Meridian Fields Loan Board Applicaiton Process
Councillors Armisen & Krishnamurthy
The Chairman and Vice-chairman are ex-office on any committees or working groups.
Hardwick Parish Council Meeting
The next Council meeting will be held on the 15 February 23 at 7pm in the Cabin.
Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on the 16 Nov 22 at the Cabin
Hardwick Defibrillator
This is currently located at the Sports and Social Club
For those unsure of how to use one here is a link to a YouTube video.
Next Parish Council meeting…21st Sept 2022
Dear all,
You are welcome to join the next Full Council meeting, happening on the 21nd Sept…
Extra-ordinary Meeting : Bourn Airfield development update – 04/08/2020
Update: presentation added 01/08/2020
There will be an online meeting on the 4th August 2020, to receive presentation and update from Countryside regarding the Bourn Airfield development.
The public and press are cordially invited to be present.
You can also attend the meeting by telephone (details here) by dialing (charges apply) 0330 088 5830 or 0131 460 1196
Notice of Vacancy
- 1. There is a vacancy on the above Council as a result of the resignation of Chris Cracknell
- A bye-election to fill the vacancy will be held if within 14 days (not counting Saturdays and Sundays) from the date below ten electors from the parish give notice in writing claiming such an election to the Returning Officer:
South Cambridgeshire District Council
South Cambridgeshire Hall
6010 Cambourne Business Park
CB23 6EA
- If no such notice is given the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-option.