Councillor Gill
Councillors Gill & Moffett
New Developments & S106
Councillor Rose
Hardwick Community Centre Working Group
Councillor Rose
Chivers Liaison
Councillor Gill
Play Area Inspections
Councillor Gill
Community Engagements
Councillors Rangadurai, Dabrowski and Armisen
The Village Plan (Community Transport & Healthcare)
Councillors Armisen and Krishnamurthy to assist Mia Casey
Highways and Road Safety /Greater Cambridge Partnership liaison
Councillors Dabrowski & Moffett
Councillor Moffett
Facebook Moderators
Councillors Dabrowski, Phillips & Rangadurai
Pavilion Lease Renewal
Councillors Gill & Phillips
Proposed Defibrilator and Grant Application
Councillor Moffett
Meridian Fields Loan Board Applicaiton Process
Councillors Armisen & Krishnamurthy
The Chairman and Vice-chairman are ex-office on any committees or working groups.