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Author: Admin HPC

Cambourne to Cambridge Update

Cambourne to Cambridge – project update

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Cambourne to Cambridge Project Update Plans for the new busway and active travel route to transform journeys for people who travel in and out of Cambridge from the west of the city have taken a step forward. A planning application for the Cambourne to Cambridge busway, along with a new travel hub and walking and cycling route will be submitted to the government in the summer after Cambridgeshire County Council agreed to progress the scheme. The C2C project would significantly improve bus and active travel journeys between Cambridge and Cambourne via the new Bourn Airfield development, a new travel hub at Scotland Farm, Hardwick and the West Cambridge site. The latest project update on the Cambourne to Cambridge project has been published and includes:What has happened since the 2022 public consultationChanges to the scheme following the public consultationNext steps and Transport and Works Act Order application Please see the full project update at
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Easter Treasure Trail

For those doing the Easter Trail to look for the letters, please note it should be 14 Lambourn Road, not 15. Apologies for the error.

Hardwick Community Forum on Bus Travel

The service over the year has had lots of problems from buses not arriving to being late, cold etc – so make it your chance to let Stagecoach know how you feel! Come along on Wed 5th April 23 and let them know your thoughts on the service offered.

Cambridge Road – Traffic Lights

Tonight Tues 7th March at 20.00 hr, traffic lights will be set up in the vicinity of the shop. These are necessary to facilitate the replacement of the power pole knocked down in the RTA recently. This power pole supplies the three street lights on Cambridge Road. The work will commence in the early evening of the 7th (no conclusion time was given by the contractor). Please avoid parking your car in the area, though traffic cones will be in place to indicate the area being worked upon.

Citi 4 Bus Survey

Citi 4 – Experiences of Bus Users in Hardwick

Following the news that the Citi 4 has been saved until March 2024, the Community Transport Initiative wants to find out what villagers think about the Citi 4 and what their experiences are. 

This information will be represented to the Mayor to help him and the Greater Cambridge Partnership understand what could be done better and why a good regular bus service is still critical for Hardwick. 

Below is a link to complete the survey. Please do so, it’s our village that it will help.


Parish Council Working Groups


Councillor Gill


Councillors Gill & Moffett

New Developments & S106

Councillor Rose

Hardwick Community Centre Working Group

Councillor Rose

Chivers Liaison

Councillor Gill

Play Area Inspections

Councillor Gill

Community Engagements

Councillors Rangadurai, Dabrowski and Armisen

The Village Plan (Community Transport & Healthcare)

Councillors Armisen and Krishnamurthy to assist Mia Casey

Highways and Road Safety /Greater Cambridge Partnership liaison

Councillors Dabrowski & Moffett


Councillor Moffett

Facebook Moderators

Councillors Dabrowski, Phillips & Rangadurai

Pavilion Lease Renewal

Councillors Gill & Phillips

Proposed Defibrilator and Grant Application

Councillor Moffett

Meridian Fields Loan Board Applicaiton Process

Councillors Armisen & Krishnamurthy

The Chairman and Vice-chairman are ex-office on any committees or working groups.

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