Hardwick Community Centre Updates
Latest Update from HCCWG | Latest Community Centre Plans | Members of HCCWG
Hardwick Community Centre Working Group update
Update April 2022
The community centre planning application is now available to view. The planning application reference on the planning website is: 22/01502/FUL
Update Feb 2022
Dear Hardwick Resident, Below is our latest plan of the area in and around the proposed Community Centre. The shape and internal layout of the building had been completed towards the end of 2021 and plans of this layout are available on the Village web site, and have been published in previous copies of the Hardwick Happenings and emailed to those who requested regular updates. This plan shows the whole site and the extensive landscaping that will be added to enhance the visual aspects of the site, screen the building and take all relevant ecological considerations into account whilst providing some acoustic screening.
The site also shows the outline of the present Sports and Social Club and the area between the two buildings. This area is to be block paved and have bollards restricting it to vehicles parking, except for occasional delivery access. The area in front of the Centre is for outside cafe seating and will be enclosed with hedges and other aesthetic planting. Further, informal picnic seating, will also be provided on the grass area between the new building and the play area. The main entrance, marked area 1, is accessible by two paths from the present parking area and the play area, marked 11 on the plan.
We have had a professional parking survey undertaken and it found the 35 spaces already available along the hedge line to the Sports and Social club and along the edge of the field are sufficient for the proposed plan. We are very aware, however, that parking is already an issue along Egremont Road at times and we are seeking permission from the school to use the community parking there, when large events are held in the Community Centre. It was considered that the parking is sufficient for a building that is essentially for the use of village residents, the majority of whom will not need cars to use the building.
What next?
The overall plan has now reached its final phase of preparation for application for full planning approval. There are still areas that can be changed and amended before this and even after approval but to all intents and purposes the preparation is now complete. All residents will still be able to comment on the plans once submitted and we will advise all residents on how they can have an input, and hopefully add their support for the project, directly to the planning department. We will provide this link once we have it. Once planning permission is granted we then need, in collaboration with the Parish Council, to put the project out to tender to building contractors. Once a contractor has been appointed the project will be set to be built towards the end of 2022. The work of the present committee will then be oversight of the project and helping the Parish Council with finding the best way of managing the new facility in the interests of all residents, once it has been completed. Thank you all for your input so far at our open meetings and through emails and letters about the project over the last four years. We truly believe this will be an excellent local facility which will provide multiple opportunities for local residents well into the foreseeable future. We have been very grateful for the considered and thoughtful contributions we have received and to which, we hope, we have responded positively.
Alan West on behalf of the HCCWG
Contact and comments to – Alan.west10@btinternet.com
Update Oct 2021
Dear Hardwick Resident,
It seems quite a while since we have been able to update you with the progress of the proposed Community Centre building. The Hardwick Community Centre Working Group (HCCWG) has been making progress with our architect and has received informal pre- planning application feedback on the project from planning officers. This has enabled us to look in more detail at certain aspects of the plans so that we can submit a formal planning application to South Cambs District Council which is more likely to get approval first time. We are now at the stage of collecting data required by the feedback to add to our planning application. This data includes:
- An ecology report regarding wildlife in the area.
- A tree report, to include any tree protection issues.
- A context, design and external spaces update, to ensure local landscaping and character of the area is maintained.
- A highway safety and car and cycle parking report, to ensure we have considered sufficient parking for all types of activities at the centre.
All of these areas, and a few similar ones, will now be professionally assessed for the working group and added to our application. Some had already been assessed but not in sufficient detail. Notwithstanding those areas needing more detail the project plans and general location on the recreation ground were generally well received by the planning officer. The areas above are quite common requests at this stage of an application and should be concluded within the next six weeks, so we hope to go to a formal planning application by the end of November 2021. The good news is there were no queries regarding the building itself. In the conclusion to the feedback report it stated, “overall the proposed building is well designed and would appear in keeping with the character of the area and it would have limited impact on neighbour residential amenity.” We now have a busy six weeks to get these professional reports completed and seek further comments from local residents before submitting our planning application. Residents will have the right to comment to the District Council on the planning application once submitted but HCCWG hopes that its continuing dialogue with nearby residents and the village as a whole will help to resolve as many issues as possible beforehand.
If you have any comments regarding our progress please email the HCCWG on alan.west10@btinternet.com
Update January 2021
Dear Village Resident,
It seems to have been a long time since our last update to residents about the new Community Centre but throughout the pandemic the work has been progressing and we are now at a point where we can ask the architects to seek planning permission for the project. We have had several Zoom meetings with the architects to adapt and refine the plans displayed at our last public meeting. See the latest plans of the proposed building and a few key things that have happened since our last public meeting and display are represented below. An elevation of this drawing will be available in a few weeks and will be circulated later.
- The building has now been sited between the Sports and Social Club and the play area taking up the majority of the footprint of the existing hard tennis court area. The building has been orientated so the cafe will also have potential outdoor seating with views across to the play park.
- Total expected build cost will be approximately £1.13 million which will include changes to access points, landscaping and extra parking.
- S106 monies from the two major developments in the village will cover the cost and will be coming on stream in sections as and when the new houses are sold. This is expected to be completed by the end of 2022 with all monies released to the Parish Council, by that time, to cover the cost of the new building.
- An extra £30,000 has been added to the build costs to provide match officials (football and cricket) with changing facilities attached to, and with access to, the new Community Centre.
- Various room size options have been included to increase the variety of activities The Community Centre can cater for.
- There is still an opportunity for us to make minor changes to the internal layout of the building so if you have any ideas there is still time to send them to us for consideration.
As a group we are also pursuing ways to make The Community Centre as eco-friendly as possible and are looking for grants towards helping to achieve this goal. We look forward to hearing your views and opinions which can be sent to: Alan.west10@btinternet.com
Can we also take this time to wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Covid-free New Year.
With best wishes HCCWG
Latest Plans
- Community Centre plan with added context (Feb 2022)
- Latest elevation plans (22/03/2021)
- See plans for the proposed building
Members of Hardwick Community Centre Working Group
- Hardwick Community Association Alan West (chair)
- Trustees of the Community rooms Anne Jones
- District Council Grenville Chamberlain
- Hardwick Sports & Social Club Tony Killeen
- Hardwick Village Plan Mia Cassey
- Village rep and architectural consultant Nicky Kerr
- Meetings and minutes secretary Betty Grimes