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2022 events

Good News! New Contract for Citi 4 Route

Quote: The Combined Authority has approved new contracts for 17 out of 18 bus services cut by Stagecoach.

Approval has been given for new contracts for bus operators to run services on 17 out of 18 routes which Stagecoach East announced would be withdrawn from October 30. 

The decision was made by the Combined Authority Board yesterday (October 19). 

On September 20, Stagecoach East announced they were pulling out of 18 services completely and reducing five significantly. 

The Combined Authority went to urgent tender with potential operators the following day with the aim of continuing as many of those services as possible. 

The current position is that 17 of the 18 services cut by Stagecoach, along with all of the five reduced services, have all received quotes from new operators. 

The remaining route, service 39, has been covered apart from the section between Chatteris and March. 

The Combined Authority is continuing to have discussions with operators about covering this service. 

Mayor Dr Nik Johnson said: “This whole situation has been very worrying for communities and the Combined Authority has, rightly, worked with urgency on this tendering process to get buses running on those former Stagecoach routes after October 30. 

“What is positive is that we have received tenders for all but part of one of those routes and the Combined Authority’s work is ongoing in trying to find an operator in this case.” 

The approved routes will require some of the £1.7m set aside by the Combined Authority for subsidies to operators to keep them running. 

The current position is that the total cost is expected to be about £1.25m and the tender process has shown that the money made available by the Combined Authority is very likely to be enough to cover all the routes where there are operators with the capacity to run them.

For legal reasons around the tendering process, the Combined Authority is not yet able to confirm which bus operators are the preferred bidder for each route and not is it able to confirm the route timetables. 

Operators and new timetables will be confirmed at the end of what is called a standstill period lasting 10 days. 

This is a legal requirement attached to this tendering process which allows suppliers an opportunity to challenge any decision. 

New contracts with bus operators will run until the end of March 2023. 

Mayor Johnson added: “Looking beyond these immediate challenges, the whole bus system in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough needs bold change because it clearly isn’t working. 

“There are many challenges ahead, but work on a better future is being done by the Combined Authority.” 

Change to Citi 4 service via Hardwick to Cambridge

As everyone is probably aware the bus service which many people in Hardwick use to get to Cambridge is changing shortly. The Combined Cambridge and Peterborough Authority have now put this route out to tender. However, this takes time and although it is out for tender, the more the Combine Authority are pressed on the situation the quicker they may make a decision. Below is a short cut to the ‘Contact Us’ form on their website which can be used to obtain information on any updates to the situation.

GPC Meeting 24 Sept 2022

Below is information regarding the next meeting of the GCP Joint Assembly. Further meeting dates are at the end of the post.

View as a webpage
greater cambridge partnershipView of Cambridge

GCP Joint Assembly Meeting 10am, Thursday 8 September 2022

Council Chamber, The Guildhall, Market Hill, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ

Google Maps Link 

Public questions

Questions should relate to items that are on the agenda for discussion at the meeting in question. For details on the procedure to submit a question regarding an item on the agenda, please see the Public Question Protocol
If you would like to ask a question at the Greater Cambridge Partnership Joint Assembly, please submit it by 10am on Monday 5 September 2022 for the 8 September 2022 Joint Assembly meeting to: 

Committee Papers
The agenda and report papers for the meeting has been published and can be found on the Cambridgeshire County Council website


Part one (10am-12.30pm)
1. Apologies for absence
2. Declaration of interests
3. Minutes
4. Public questions
5. Petitions
6. Public Transport and City Access Strategy

Part two (1.30pm onwards)
7. Better Public Transport: Cambourne to Cambridge
8. Better Public Transport: Cambridge Eastern Access
9. Greater Cambridge Greenways
10. Quarterly progress report
11. Date of next meeting 

Dates of future meetings

Thursday 24 November 2022
Thursday 16 February 2023
Thursday 8 June 2023
Thursday 7 September 2023 
Thursday 23 November 2023
All meetings are scheduled to start at 2pm.

 Filming and photography

The meeting will be live streamed and can be accessed from the GCP Facebook page: and from the GCP YouTube channel.

We support the principle of transparency and encourage filming, recording and taking photographs at meetings that are open to the public. We also welcome the use of social networking and micro-blogging websites (such as Twitter and Facebook) to communicate with people about what’s happening, as it happens.


For more information about this meeting, please contact Nicholas Mills (Cambridgeshire County Council Democratic Services) on 01223 699763 or via e-mail at

A428 Bourne Airfield Forum (6th July)

Dear residents,

Please find links to webpages for the new forums:

A428 Development Cluster – Bourn Airfield – South Cambs District Council (

A428 Development Cluster – Cambourne – South Cambs District Council (

These pages provide further information on the Forums,  joining instructions for the Forums and an invitation to join a mailing list.

If there are specific questions or topics you would like discussed for the Forums on  please send by  13th June 2022 to

We would be grateful for any assistance you can offer in promoting these new forums, please feel free to forward this email and please find attached A4 poster which you may like to print and display.

Please also be aware of that the final forums for 2022 will be held on Wednesday 2nd November 2022

New Lighting on St Neots Road

Dear residents,

Beginning over a year ago, Hardwick Parish Council has been in dialogue with Hills, the developers of Capstone Fields to improve the Lighting around the entrance to the development and along St Neots Road to the corner of Hall Drive. We are pleased to publish a schematic (see below) showing the extent of the new lighting. We originally asked for new lighting down to and including the corner of Millers Way but this has not yet been agreed.

Just so the village is clear, neither South Cambs District Council not Cambridge County Council support the installation of any new lighting in the village to remedy perceived dark areas and inform us they have no statutory duty to do so.Please bear in mind what is sometimes seen as poor lighting can be the interference of overhead tree cover. Let us know where you believe a tree is obscuring lighting.

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