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Author: HPC

Village Survey – St Neots Road development Hardwick Parish Council needs your feedback

Hardwick Parish Council is asking residents of Hardwick to complete a survey to help them with responding to a planning application which Circle Housing will make next month for a housing development of 184 houses off St Neots Road.

Please download a copy of the survey here and return it to the Village Shop or the Blue Lion or Hardwick Sports and Social Club or by post to the Parish Clerk

Starting a Village Plan

The Parish Council has endorsed the preparation of a Village Plan. This will set out how the Village wants to develop in the future. A small group of volunteers has agreed to kick-off the process but its ultimate success depends on residents of the village contributing to the development of the plan. To find out more, visit the website

Circle Living Proposal Display

Circle Living ltd (part of Circle Housing Group) has sent leaflets inviting residents to attend a display of their plans for a new development on land to the south of St Neots Road and west of Hall Drive. This display will be on Tuesday 8th September at Hardwick Primary School, 3:30pm – 7pm. Hardwick Parish Council is encouraging residents in the village to view the plans and to provide feedback to the Parish Council about them.

Details of the proposal will be posted on this website shortly after the 8th.


In October the greater Cambridge City Deal Executive Board will launch a public consultation for views on the best course for a new bus and cycle route between Cambourne and Cambridge.

To facilitate the best possible route for everyone it is important for there to be a positive and constructive dialogue between the villages and communities along the Cambourne-to-Cambridge corridor, and the City Deal Board/highways department.

It is the aim of CambridgeBOLD to set out a locally conceived proposal for the new route which will represent, as best as possible, a broad consensus of opinion from villages within the Cambourne-Cambridge public transport corridor. As such you are invited to visit the CambridgeBold website at and view the current draft proposal. If you would like to have your say or if you have any comments on the proposed route you need to submit them to before Friday 9th October.

July Parish Meeting Report

The Parish Council have asked me to write a brief report following each meeting for inclusion in the Hardwick Happenings. As there isn’t an issue of the Happenings for a few months the opportunity to publish on our new website was not to be missed so here is my report for July.

Hardwick’s Parish Council meeting for July was well attended by villagers and 6 of the 8 councillors. There were two speakers who both spoke before the business of the meeting at 7.45pm.

Clare Gibbons from South Cambs District Council gave a Powerpoint presentation on ideas for setting up a working group to develop a Village Improvement Plan; like many local villages have. This would involve committed involvement from residents and the PC. Following surveys, meetings and explorations into village needs it would result in a plan for Hardwick’s immediate future. A working party is on next months agenda.

District Councillor Francis Burkitt spoke about the proposals for a public transport system between Cambourne and Cambridge to include Hardwick as a bus stop on a new busway similar to the one along the A14. There could also be a new Park and Ride east of Madingly Hill adjacent to the A428. There will be a lot about this in local press and on local media and a public consultation will happen in the Autumn. Getting into Cambridge will hopefully be much easier and much quicker in the next few years.

The rest of the meeting included a decision to save PC money as HSSC will now carry out their own legionella testing; the addition of a dog bin at the Toft end of the village will help alleviate the never ending problem of dog mess and listing the Blue Lion pub as an Asset of the Community with CAMRA. The new webmaster for the village site is Robert Cassey and our new new editors for the magazine are Howard Baker and Peter Cornwell. The meeting finished at about 11.30pm and the draft minutes will appear with the next agenda on the Cambridge Rd noticeboard on Wednesday 19th August. There is one vacancy on the Parish Council, if you are interested please email the clerk.

Written by Jane Humphries

Grace Crescent Development Proposal

Hill have proposed the development of up to 100 new houses to be situated on land just west of Grace Crescent. Of the 100 new homes 40% will be designated as affordable and will be available as either shared ownership or affordable rent. The proposals are initial and it is the intention of Hill to submit an outline planning application in July.

The developers have set up a dedicated website where local residents can learn more about their proposals and give feedback. You can visit the site at

Credit: hill (

Parish Council Meeting Papers 2015

January 2015 – Meeting Papers

February 2015 (budget) – Meeting Papers

February 2015Meeting Papers

March 2015Meeting Papers

April 2015Meeting Papers

May 2015 (APM)Meeting Papers

May 2015Meeting Papers

June 2015Meeting Papers

July 2015Meeting Papers

August 2015Meeting Papers

September 2015 –  Meeting Papers

October 2015Meeting Papers

November 2015Meeting Papers

December 2015 – Meeting Papers


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