High way Events in the Cambrdige & Surrounding Areas
Below is page takien from the Cambridgeshire County Council website on the Highway Events affecting our area in the coming 12 months. Useful if you anticipating planning any event.
Your are in:
Highway events
Filming on the highway guidance
Organising a Playing Out Event
Whether the event takes place on or off of the public highway, event organisers must plan to mitigate the impact of their event on the local community and the highway network.
By engaging with us in the event planning stages, we can work with you to highlight potential issues, prevent problems and take action to keep traffic moving.
If your event takes place off the public highway, you must still notify us using our Highway Events application form. Events that require a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) should read the guidance notes and submit an application form appropriate to the type of event they are organising.
Future events
View all known future highway events and their traffic restrictions on the one.network roadworks map.
To view further details of the traffic restriction associated with any events select the event date from the calendar (top right) and click the layers tab (top left) and click Road closures and diversion and Traffic restrictions. The symbols next to the options will be highlighted in colour when they are showing on the map.
If you wish to make a comment on any future event, please send you comment by e-mail quoting the event name (EVENTS/2022/?? – “Event name”) and location to Highway.events@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
Right click on the shortcut below to bring up the map for the area, with the ability to select date ranges.
Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTROs) for special events
Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTROs) are legal documents that enable us as the local highway authority to temporarily prohibit, restrict or reduce road traffic. The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 enables us to put in place restrictions to:
- Facilitate the holding of a relevant event
- Enable members of the public to watch a relevant event
- Reduce the disruption to traffic likely caused by a relevant event
Bulk TTROs
We produce bulk TTROs for events of national significance, such as Remembrance Day events, and for events permitted to occur more than once in a calendar year. A bulk TTRO covers multiple events in multiple locations.
Size: 416KBFile format: pdfRequest an accessible format.
Notifying us of your event
You must notify us if you are planning an event that has the potential to cause disruption to any part of the public highway. This includes any event which may:
- Require you to apply for a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO)
- Affect the safety of pedestrians and other highway users
- Wish to apply for permission to place temporary event signage
- Increase on-street parking
- Cause an increase in traffic flow in an area
For events that require a TTRO, at least 12 weeks’ notice is required, except for Street Parties and Playing Out Events, which require at least 8 weeks’ notice.
To notify us of any event, please use the appropriate process below:
Street Parties
Street parties are small events that require a TTRO to close the road. They take place on quiet residential streets and do not impact on the wider road network. They are non-commercial and organised by residents for residents.
Visit our Organising a Street Party Event page to read the full guidance and complete the application.
Playing Out Events
Playing Out Events are organised for the purpose of children’s play. They require a TTRO to close the road. They take place in quiet residential streets with no impact on the wider road network. One application can cover multiple events within a 12 month period.
Visit our Organising a Playing Out Event page to read the full guidance and complete the application.
Motor Vehicle Trials
Event organisers wishing to apply for authorisation of a motor vehicle trial under section 33 Road Traffic Act 1988 should complete the Highways Events Application form. Add that a section 33 order is required in the description of the event and state they require a special events TTRO when prompted.
Highway events
For all other types of event, visit our Organising an event that impacts the public highway page to read the full guidance and complete the application.
Filming on the public highway
Small crewed productions (ie one camera filming a presenter) where minimal disruption to the public highway is expected should read our filming on the highway guidance page and then email the Highway Events team with a description of their activity, risk assessment and map of location(s) where they wish to film.
All other productions must visit our filming on the highway guidance page to read the full guidance and complete the application.
If you need further information about any event shown, or wish to discuss an event you are planning to hold, please contact:
Highway Events Team
Email: highway.events@cambridgeshire.gov.uk.
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