May Parish Meeting Report
6 of the 9 councillors were present, our District Councillor and 8 members of the public.
The meeting started with the election of posts for the year following the Annual Parish Meeting in the previous week. Steve Rose remains as Chairman, Tony Gill will be Vice-chairman, Tony, Pauline Joslin and Jim Stewart are on the planning committee, Jane Humphries and Tony will look after trees, Newsletters Jane and Steve, noticeboard agenda and minutes put up by Chris Cracknell and website liaison and litter will be Steve. Martin Cassey heads the Village plan with Pauline attending meetings and Tony, Pauline and Steve will attend the coalition of 22 Parish Councils locally.
During the open public session James Thomas from Hill together with Ben and Caroline Chivers and their colegue Colin introduced a proposal for land development in Hardwick looking ahead to about 2020-2022. Land opposite the school and shop and parallel with St.Neots Rd would provide over 250 houses, recreation grounds, community buildings and a road from Cambridge Rd out to St.Neots Rd. All this is a very early and initial presentation to the PC and as it is all green belt has a long way to go from this proposal on paper at present. The website will have a short report from the developers very soon.
Pat Portlock has found materials for the new volunteering Hardwick Litter Pickers which will be funded with equipment by the PC but they are all volunteers.
Grenville Chamberlain reported that there will be a discussion on the EU referendum at Comberton Village Hall on 2/6/2016. City Deal traffic changes will appear in the press very soon but may include congestion charges, road closures and personal number plate recognition in the centre of Cambridge.
The meeting closed about 10.15pm.
Written by Jane Humphries