Annual Parish Meeting Overall Report
The meeting was well attended with about 50 residents and most Parish Councillors, our District Councillor, Head Teacher, Vicar and many group and club representatives.
Steve Rose extended a warm welcome to all and the meeting began with the business of accepting apologies and signing the minutes from the Annual Parish Meeting of 2015. There were no matters arising so Steve gave his annual report especially thanking the dedication of two councillors in particular, Tony Gill and Pauline Joslin, who were not re-elected in the May 2015 election yet continued to help the PC on the planning sub-committee and with trees and public footpaths. They were successfully co-opted when two councillors stepped down from their posts are now part of the full Parish Council again.
A financial report was displayed on the Parish notice board last year and the public have 5 weeks in June and July to contact the clerk if they have questions about the accounts.
In Grenville Chamberlain’s report he recommended a Neighbourhood Plan for Hardwick to secure what the village wants for the future. The burnt out building on the corner of St.Neots Rd will be demolished this summer and an outline planning application is close for both proposed developments in the village.
The local police sent a report that was read out, 258 incidents were reported in 2015 compared to 295 in the year before. 67 were crimes compared to 51 in the previous year.
Reports were read out by Hardwick Sports and Social Club, The Community Association, Hardwick Happenings magazine, website master Robert Cassey, Village Plan Committee, Guides, St. Mary’s Church, Hardwick Evangelical Church, Hardwick Play Parks, Women’s Institute and Chris Fuller on the recreation ground maintenance.
Pat Portlock introduced the Hardwick Litterpicking Volunteer group which will be recourced by the PC but will be manned by resident volunteers and if you would like to help regularly or just once please contact her at details will be on the website.
Two small grants applications came from Hardwick Play Parks and Hardwick Brownies who were both awarded the maximum amount of £250 each. The Play Parks group will use it to organise a fun run in Hardwick in September and the Brownies want to offer an open evening to attract new girls and will now be able to offer crafts, activities and possibly a trip.
The meeting had a break for refreshments of tea, coffee or a glass of wine and finished about 10pm.
Written by Jane Humphries