Don’t Let Your Hedge Be A Hazard!
How Can A Hedge Be A Hazard

Overgrown hedges next to footpaths and roads pose a real hazard to people who are disabled or who are visually impaired and young children or other pedestrians who risk injury or damage to their faces or clothing from thorns and branches. If the pavement (footway) is narrow or the obstruction is excessive, they may be forced into the road. This is particularly dangerous for wheelchair users or for people pushing a pram or buggy. On junctions and bends overgrown hedges may obstruct sight lines and the clear view of motorists. They may also obscure traffic signs or streetlights, increasing the risk of accidents.
What Should I Do?
Check your own trees and hedges. Are they overhanging the footpath or boundary of your property? Are they affecting visibility of pedestrians? If so, cut them back or arrange for someone to do it for you.
If You Are The Tenant of The Property
So far as the law is concerned the occupier is usually responsible for this sort of maintenance and, in addition, tenancy agreements often nclude routine maintenance. Even if your tenancy agreement states that the landlord is responsible, you would be required to contact him/her and ensure that pruning is carried out as soon as possible.
What Will Happen If I Don’t Cut Back My Hedge
It is an offence under the Highways Act 1980 to allow trees, hedges, shrubs and so on to obstruct the highway. The Council The Highways Act 1980 aims to protect the publicfrom unnecessary hazards and is not subject torestrictions imposed by TPOs. In ConservationArea’s however, it is advisable to seek advice abouttree surgery from the Council’s Tree Officer.will, after an initial informal request, serve a 21 Day Notice on you, the occupier, to cut back the offending vegetation. If you do not comply with the Notice, the Council may carry out the work itself and recover it’s costs in doing so from you, through the courts if necessary.
What Happens if the Tree is Subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO)
The Highways Act 1980 aims to protect the public from unnecessary hazards and is not subject to restrictions imposed by TPOs. In Conservation Area’s however, it is advisable to seek advice about tree surgery from the Council’s Tree Officer.