Covid-19 Update – 27 November 2020
update from South Cambs District Council:
Emerging from lockdown into Tier 2
We remain under the rules of the national lockdown. From one minute after midnight on Wednesday 2 December, we will enter Tier 2, along with the rest of the East of England. We don’t anticipate that the way your community support is being delivered will need to change under the Tier 2 measures but, as ever, please contact your patch lead if you have any queries or concerns.
Information that you may find useful about the new measures:
- The Government’s summary of Tier 2 measures
- Attached is a 9-page summary of the Winter Plan – or you can view the full 64-page document
- If you want to look up which Tier another area is in, you can use the Government’s look-up tool with a post code (this was not working well yesterday because of the amount of traffic trying to access the tool, but it does now seem to be working OK).
One area that may have been causing some confusion is how the previous ‘rule of 6’ would work under the new Tier system and with the Christmas bubbles. The guidance set out above makes it clear that, in Tier 2:
- you must not socialise with anyone you do not live with or who is not in your support bubble in any indoor setting, whether at home or in a public place
- you must not socialise in a group of more than 6 people outside, including in a garden or a public space – this is called the ‘rule of 6’.