January Parish Meeting Report
The meeting started at its new time of 7pm with all councillors present, the District Councillor Grenville Chamberlain, David Thompson from the planning department and a member of the community. In the open session David outlined the current situation with the progress of the Grace Crescent development. Up to 98 dwellings are planned however this is a maximum and it may actually be less than this number. Currently the issues being considered are water drainage, an archaeological dig, landscaping, overall design, highways safety, means of access and environmental health. The planning application will be considered by the planning department at South Cambs on 1st March. There will be District Council and Parish Council representatives there on behalf of the village.
Grenville also reported that there will be a meeting at the school on the 7th March organised by the residents of St. Neots Rd regarding the route of the proposed bus way from Cambourne to Cambridge. Heidi Allen cannot attend but will be sending a representative.
The clerk had received one application for one of the two vacant posts on the PC and it was decided to co-opt Dean Wellbelove onto the council, he has been a councillor in the past, and we look forward to welcoming him at the February meeting.
The Egremont Rd play park will have a new colourful metal fence put up around the enlarged footprint ready for the initial phase of the redesigning and revamping of the play equipment. The Hardwick Play Parks group have worked hard to get the scheme off the ground and the PC is pleased to help them financially with this first step.
Further investigations into the bad drainage from the changing rooms will continue at HSSC but as this is a long standing problem both the PC and the committee of the club are exhausting all the possible reasons and professional help is also not proving to resolve the issue. It is becoming a costly recurrence which both parties hope to sort out as soon as possible.
A resident of Dry Drayton drew the attention of the Council to two planning applications along St Neots Road beyond the Dry Drayton Roundabout in the area between the road and the A428. One application was for warehouses and the other for Self storage units. The Parish Council opposed both applications on the grounds of traffic and because this area might be required as a possible route for the busway into Cambridge.
The next meeting is 28th February at 7pm in the Community Room.