Greater Cambridge Local Plan – site information (update)
Update 18/01/2021
Dear residents,
The Parish Council received an update about the above, from The Greater Cambridge Local Plan team, as per below:
“As you are aware, over 650 sites were submitted to us through the ‘Call for Sites’ for consideration as part of developing the new Greater Cambridge Local Plan.
The sites submitted are currently being assessed by officers against a rigorous methodology, as part of the Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment. We gather topical information about the sites from sources including the Environment Agency, Natural England, the local highways authority, the Councils’ Environmental Health teams, Historic England and other bodies.
We would now like to give you the opportunity to supplement our information gathering with any knowledge you may hold about any of the submitted sites in your Parish or area covered by your Association.
It is not compulsory in any way to provide this additional information at this point in time and you may wish to wait to read and comment on our assessments at the next stage of plan-making, when we will present our proposed list of sites to take forward through the Local Plan.
….the survey is only open to Parish Councils and Residents Associations…to be completed by 5pm on 1 March 2021”
If you have any comments, queries about the above, please contact the Clerk.