Parish Council Online Meetings
Due to the coronavirus pandemic it is not possible for the Parish Council to meet as it normally would. To enable the Council to conduct its business legislation (below) has been introduced which allow the Parish Council to hold meetings online.
The Parish Council will be holding its meetings using Zoom. The software is free (availiable for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android), and will allow the public (up to 100 participants) to view the meeting live. You can also attend the meeting by telephone (details here) by dialing (charges apply) 0330 088 5830 or 0131 460 1196
The meeting link is availiable at the top of the agenda. Alternatively you can manually input the meeting ID into the zoom application on your device.
You are encouraged to familiarise yourself with the software before the meeting as we will not be able to provide technical support. You could contact a friend or relative to test your camera, microphone and speakers work correctly.
Please note that the meetings may be recorded and made availiable online.
Parish Councillors must be able to be heard and seen, the public only need to be able to be heard and seen (if possible) if they wish to participate during the public session at the start of the meeting. The public’s microphones and video will be turned off for the remainder of the meeting.
If you would like to speak during the public session please contact the clerk at least 24 hours before the meeting. If possible a written copy of your statement would be helpful.
Members of the public are welcome to view the live stream of the Parish Council’s meetings, except during the consideration of exempt or confidential items, by following the link to be published on the Council’s website. Any person who participates in the meeting is deemed to have consented to being recorded and to the use of those images (where participating via video conference) and/or sound recordings for webcast purposes. When speaking, members of the public should not disclose any personal information of any individual as this might infringe on the rights of that individual and breach the Data Protection Act.