Hardwick Annual Parish Meeting Tue 21st May 2019 7pm
The Hardwick Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Tuesday 2st May 2019 at 7pm in the school.
The meeting is open to all parishioners who may by law discuss all parish matters, ask questions, put forward views and pass resolutions.
Please links below for the agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting and the minutes of the 2018 meetings. The Council would very much appreciate reports from individuals and organisations listed on the agenda, whether on their activities during the year, the progress of ongoing projects, or the use made of funds granted by the Council during the year if applicable.
If you, or a representative, would like to present a report and/or accounts to the APM, please could you let the Clerk have a copy in advance of the meeting at office@lgs-services.co.uk. Reports and accounts will not be recorded in the minutes but instead all written reports will be appended to the minutes.
Hardwick Annual Parish Meeting 2019 Agenda