Update on Hardwick Community Centre
In case you missed it here is the update from Hardwick Community Centre Working Group that was published in the February edition of the Hardwick Happenings
New Community Centre update.
Since our open public meeting back in November the Hardwick Community Centre Working Group (HCCWG) has been assessing the feedback from that meeting and those submitted since. We presented, what we believed, were the best three options for a site for the new centre and gave ideas of what we hope will form an extensive new village amenity.
There were a wide range of opinions to sort and as a result of the consultation we felt that there was most support for an option to combine the new building in some way with the existing Hardwick Sports and Social Club (HSSC) building to provide a more integrated, multi use centre. In many ways this is a fourth option as it combines two of the three options proposed. By doing this we hope to have a larger building on the one site taking up space on the trees side of the present building. By abutting or possibly overlapping the present building we can;
A/ Keep the whole site contained in a central village area without encroaching too far towards the housing on Egremont Road.
B/ Keep the present club facilities whilst adding a whole range of new activity and meeting rooms, toilets, medical area, library area, cafe and reception space.
C/ Enable the total space to be used whilst maintaining the ability of each to be used as separate areas when necessary.
D/ Enable a greater range of activities and meeting points under one roof whilst providing the opportunity to reduce running costs associated with two separate buildings.
E/ Create a nicer looking overall site with the present building being visually improved by the new building being sympathetically added, creating new entrances and upgrading existing facilities and adding more trees and other landscaping to enhance its looks.
There is, of course, much more work still to be done. We now have a HSSC member on our committee and have had Nicky Kerr (another member of our committee and an architectural consultant), draw up two possible plans as an idea of how such a building might look. We are also interviewing five architects and will be selecting the one we think the most suitable to work with us to move the project forward.
Our speed of progress should enable us to be able to hold our second public consultation meeting in the near future to look at possible plans and give residents the opportunity of more input to the development. We hope to have a date for the meeting in the next edition of Hardwick Happenings magazine as well as on as many social media platforms as possible in order to reach the maximum village coverage.
If you would like to be added to our direct email list for future updates please email your details to our secretary at:
Post entered by
Steve Rose
on behalf of
Hardwick Community Centre Working Group