News from Hardwick Parish Council
Parish Council meeting November 2017
Hill the developers attended the meeting and gave an update on the proposed 98 dwellings for behind Grace Crescent and the late addition of a cycle way and footpath through to Sadlers Close. It is possible work on the houses may start in late Summer or Autumn 2018.
A new wider gate for triple buggies will be fitted to the play park on Egremont Rd alongside the next phase of the upgrade which is due between mid December and the first week of January.
Steve Rose will take on the role of webmaster while the role is vacant.
The consultation for the new bus route must be filled in by January and the PC will write a response in the interest of the route for the benefit of the residents of the village.
Speedwatch volunteers are needed again, training by the police takes an hour and a half, 3 are needed at any time to operate the scheme.
The Hardwick Village Plan will publish a presentation of the results of the village survey within 6 months. Every household will get a copy which will contain photographs and some village history.
Jane Humphries
Parish Council meeting December 2017
Paper caddies will not now be emptied by the refuse collectors and all paper should be put in the blue bins.
Street lighting will be improved with money from S106 through new developments. All the sodium lights (yellow) on St Neots Rd and Cambridge Rd will be replaced with new design LED ones. We will be the first parish to have the new greater spread lights.
Heidi Allen is to lend her support to getting a healthcare provision in Hardwick. Martin Cassey has been attending meetings on transportation around Cambridge with regard to the village minibus scheme that is planned.
The PC took a vote after a discussion on its response to the consultation on the bus route from Cambourne to Cambridge. There were 7 votes, 4 votes for route C and 3 votes for route B with the Park and Ride being preferred at Scotland Farm. A letter was sent to the Greater Cambridge Partnership.
Residents are encouraged to reply individually to the taxi permit consultation.
The area around the back of the scout hut will be cleared of all the rubbish and furniture in the next month.
Budget meeting will be held on February 6th 2018.
Jane Humphries