August Parish Meeting Report
The meeting was held in the Sports and Social Club with 6 councillors and about 20 residents attending. During the public session at the start of the meeting residents and councillors shared their views on the proposed routes for the Cambourne to Cambridge bus way but as there is still no more or new information on a decided route this item will appear again on next month’s agenda.
A report was read out from District Councillor Chamberlain, who was at a meeting about the bus way in Comberton, outlining the proposed Park and Ride sites and bus routes emphasizing the disarray that the local government is in at the moment over these decisions.
The Parish Council encourages residents to visit the following websites and read all the information available to help their decision making during the public consultation easier.
Unfortunately the current webmaster, Robert Cassey, who has transformed the village website is retiring from the position so we are searching for anyone else who feels that they could help the village with their skills. It might be a student, retiree or anyone in between! It is a paid position up to about £600/year. Please contact the clerk at We thank Robert for a great job.
Meeting closed at 9.25pm