April Parish Meeting Report
All 8 parish councillors were present as there is still a vacancy which has yet to be filled. Grenville Chamberlain first reported that he had met with Scout and Guide leaders about the possibility of joint use of a new community building resulting in money from the Grace Crescent development. Heidi Allen would be meeting with Highways England to try and achieve some changes to the Girton interchange and avoid predictable gridlock through local villages. Following letters of complaint about dog fouling at the southern end of the village in particular the dog bin will be moved from the edge of Grace Crescent to the start of the footpath at the last bungalow.
Ashley Shepherd our new Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator spoke about the re-introduction of the scheme to Hardwick following so many recent burglaries. 30-40 have registered their interest to help; Operation Hunter will also take place on 27th September in the school hall where the police will give a talk and be selling alarms and smart water to identify personal possessions.
Clare Arber asked the PC if some netball posts could be out on the all weather courts permanently as many villagers would like to practice in their spare time, this will be organised as soon as possible.
Hardwick Playparks reported that the new fence around the Egremont Rd park will be put up over the Bank Holiday week-end. Martin Cassey reported that there had been 603 responses from 424 households to the village survey. The information is being collated and is taking longer than expected due to a lot of answers in the “free text” boxes.
The planning permission for a second new development in Hardwick, St Neot’s Rd, should go to the planning committee at South Cambs on 10th May but this is not yet confirmed , the parish council was encouraged by new possible provision of healthcare facilities and will support the application subject to the outcome of discussions about healthcare provision.
Coucillor Cracknell gave a detailed and interesting report on community minibuses from information he has gathered from other villages using one and groups in Hardwick. It would be financed by S106 money in order to link the southern end of Hardwick with the St. Neot’s Rd bus routes and community facilities. It would need qualified volunteer drivers, a secure place to park it and a management company/committee to coordinate it’s timetable.
The Speedwatch team is ready to start operating so look out for them on main roads around the village this month! The Annual Parish meeting is on 9th May in the school hall at 7pm, drinks and nibbles will be available, the developers will be giving updates on the new housing plans for the village along with village updates and the offer of financial donations to community groups who would like to apply for them.