March Parish Meeting Report
There were 6 councillors present together with Grenville Chamberlain, 1 resident and a guest.
During the open part of the meeting Steve Jones from the coalition of parish councils spoke on the forming of this group of 23 PC’s which raises their views with the county council on different matters affecting them. The coalition represents 30,000 people in the parishes bordered by the B1198, M11, A14 and A603. The proposed Cambourne Cambridge bus way, the Girton interchange, Bourn Airfield development and transport provision are some of their current concerns.
Grenville reported that there were no plans to upgrade the Girton Interchange which could result in gridlock of the local roads should all the house building around Cambourne and Bourn go ahead. There are concerns too that the new bus-way will not be sufficient to alleviate the load.
The CCC Community Chest of £55,000 is again open to charitable applications and funding requests.
There will be an open meeting in June/July for the village regarding Neighbourhood Watch with Ashley Shepherd and Ann Jones.
The outline planning permission for the development of 98 houses at Grace Crescent has been approved and some of the S106 details are also in this outline. Trustees of the village hall/community room visited the Melbourne Hub to see what can be done with a multi functional community space.
The Bus way meeting was attended by about 130 people unfortunately the City Deal reps could not give their power point presentation due to technical difficulties. The PC will not change its support for the current preferred route until any new information is available.
The Annual Parish Meeting will be on 9th May at 7pm in the School Hall.
Written by Jane Humphries