November Parish Meeting Report
The meeting began early this month at 7.15pm with a presentation from the City Deal Transport Department outlining the possibilities for the bus route which will go from Cambourne to Cambridge. The route which would be closest to Hardwick could pass between the A428 and St.Neots Rd.
Grenville reported that SCDC is in favour of the devolution of powers for East Anglia and that we are only months away now from securing the local plan.
Circle Housing have submitted an outline application to SCDC for the housing development on St.Neots Rd
Carter Jonas and the Grace Crescent application will hopefully be considered by the Planning Dpt. in January 2017. The section 106 benefits to the village have been revised and these include a subsidised bus route through the village for 5 years and a community building.
Hardwick PlayParks have a grant already in place for a toddler swing and it is hoped that the PC will help the charity with new fencing around the park. This was deferred to the next meeting.
3 new bins will go next to bus stops on Main Street and St.Neots Rd and the bench near the bus stop outside the hairdressers will be cleaned.
Following a letter from a resident, regarding anti social behaviour at the skate park , the PC will endeavour to keep the area as clean as possible and contact the police at Cambourne to let them know of our concerns.
The Hardwick Happenings magazine will continue to be supported by the PC but the section of their budget from which funding comes will change following advice from the clerk.
A Fish and Chip van will return to the village on a Friday on the forecourt of the shop.
The December meeting will be 13th December at 7pm, the Budget meeting on 31st January at 7pm and the next PC meeting on 24th January 2017 also at 7pm.