Small grants of up to £250 available at this year’s Annual Parish Meeting
Every year Hardwick, along with most other villages, holds an annual meeting to which all residents of the village are invited.
This year it is being held in the school hall at 7:45 pm on Tuesday 17th May. This is not a Parish Council meeting although as the chairman of the Parish Council I will give a brief report of what has been happening in the village over the year – and there has been a lot happening with possible new housing developments in the village, preparations for a Village Plan and there will be an update about the demolition of the eyesore at the corner of St Neots Road and Cambridge Road.
New this year is the opportunity to turn up on the night and apply for a small grant of up to £250 for projects which will benefit the people of Hardwick. There will be a maximum of £1,000 which is being made available by Hardwick Parish Council. The grants can be applied for by individuals or by groups and the main requirement is a commitment to come to following year’s meeting to report back on what the project achieved.
Start preparing your pitch for the money. I’m looking forward to hearing all about some exciting projects. Even if you don’t have a project in mind please turn up and make your views known about what is good or not so good about our village. Many of your elected representatives, including your new Parish Council. District Councillor and Member of Parliament, are invited to the meeting and I am hoping that they will all be able to make it on the evening to listen to the views and concerns of the village.
Steve Rose