January Parish Meeting Report
Two Parish Council meetings were held in January
There were 7 members of the council and 2 members of the public present at the meeting on 19 January, however the meeting was chaired by Cllr Gill as The Chair and Vice Chair were both absent.
District Cllr Chamberlain reported that unfortunately planning permission had been granted for an extra bungalow to be built at 11 Cambridge Rd despite opposition from the council and several neighbours on the grounds that the plot was too small and too close to Cahills Corner.
The Local Plan, proposed modification, consultation period was up the next day so the council was meeting a week early to allow it to discuss and respond in time. Cllr Rose and Steve Jones from Bourn Parish Council had summarised in writing for the council and it was decided to support the proposals of the Coalition of Parish Councils (which includes both Bourn and Hardwick). The proposals were to oppose the modifications/amendments to the plan with transportation being the main concern.
A few small items on the agenda concerning blocked drains at the Pavilion, overgrowing trees and planning permission for 44 Main Street were dealt with and the meeting finished at 9.25pm!
The following week the PC met to discuss and review the budget and set the precept for 2016/2017.
Only Cllr Skingle was absent for this meeting.
Gail Stoehr presented the finances very clearly for the PC and the councillors spent over 2 hours analysing the 11 main areas of spending which include salaries, grounds maintenance, trees, repairs and asset maintenance. Then the 4 main areas of income which are the precept itself, advertising, buildings/pitch rent and bank interest. Some areas had resulted in a deficit against the budget this year particularly repairs and maintenance but we had saved in other areas. The councillors decided to slightly increase the budget for donations to village groups from Section 137 monies and for ground maintenance. The improvements to Cahills Corner are going to cost less than previously estimated by about £19,000. The Council decided to use some of this to pay for the increase in the budget, to transfer £3,000 to the Scout Hut project, reduce the precept by about £5 per household and to transfer the balance to general reserves.
Written by Jane Humphries