December Parish Meeting Report
The Parish Council meeting was attended by 7 councillors and 4 villagers including the District Councillor.
Grenville Chamberlain our DC first informed the PC that the local plan will be going out to consultation in the new year and the bus route plan is already in the consultation stage.
If anyone is not getting the South Cambs magazine , which keeps us all up to date with such matters and the bin collections, please let Grenville know.
The next Village Plan meeting will be in January with Pauline Joslin attending from the PC with a view to joining the Steering Committee.
The vacancy on the PC following Jim Coe’s resignation was voted upon and filled by Barry Skingle.
The PC would like to thank the other candidates for their interest in the position.
Decisions were made to replace the rotting porch over the entrance to the HSSC and to address the treatment of the football pitches by following a cycle of work recommended by the Football Association and approved by the PC and football clubs of Hardwick.
The next Parish council meeting will be brought forward to 19th January so that the Local Plan can be discussed with time to reply to it. The budget meeting will therefore be on 26th January.
There is a panel of plastic missing from the bus shelter nearest Meridian Close which we will repair as soon as possible. These panels will be replaced with solid ones which are less likely to be stolen.
Written by Jane Jumphries